Other Parents’ Stories

Crumbling Walls

suicide – cancer – dementia – ruptured aneurysm

When I found myself at the bottom of the deepest, darkest pit, after my son took his own life, I discovered that I needed to read other people’s stories – especially other parents. Why? Because I needed to know that the devastation I felt was normal. I also craved understanding and, to me, the only people who would truly understand what I was going through was another parent who had lost a child to suicide.

Like a mad woman, I searched the internet and read everything I could find. Some people believed I was morbid and that reading these tragic tales would only upset me further. However, as strange as it sounds, I found comfort in those websites. Unfortunately, I don’t have links to all the stories I found at that time, but I have decided to start a new list and I hope this list will help other mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters in their grief.

The links below will take you directly to other people’s stories. I wish you strength and courage on your journey through grief.

Home At Last – Michael’s Story

In Memory of Daniel Coorey

Portrait of a Son’s Suicide: Bill Clayton’s Story

Rob Wirick’s Story

The Dennis Stonebreaker Story

In Your Honor – Shane

Stephen – The Man

Mom Remembers Nate

To My Son, Josh

Parents of Suicides – This page has many heart breaking stories on its pages.

Remembering Kerry Magann

William Wayne Cox

Websites For Siblings

The Sibling Connection – Michelle Linn-Gust is the author of Do They Have Good Days in Heaven? Surviving the Suicide Loss of a Sibling She writes here about what it was like for her to be in college and have to cope with the death of her sister, Denise. Her story is one of hope for all bereaved siblings. If you look in the side bar you’ll find links to other sibling’s stories too.

Suicide – a different kind of grief – “We have found him, I’m sorry.” I heard the words. It felt like a nuclear explosion inside. Suddenly normality was shattered. The psychical and physical pain was unbearable. Many people don’t think of depression as a serious disease. Well, they are wrong. My brother chose death over life.

In Loving Memory of Todd E. Mills – This wonderful tribute to Todd was created by his sister Lori. The story within these pages is immensely inspiring and may be a help to those who are enduring the loss of a loved one to suicide.

Reflection – Grief from a siblings perspective.

This is a War – Grief – When adults lose a sibling, they often feel abandoned by society. The sympathy goes to their parents, but brothers and sisters are supposed to “get over it” quickly so they can comfort the parents or replace the lost sibling. This is one of the reasons why adult sibling loss falls into the category of “disenfranchised grief”.

Teen Sibling Loss – You can’t imagine life without your brother or sister. Your whole world has changed and you don’t know what to do. It seems like you have no control over your life anymore. Things have changed and you just want things to go back to the way they were before.

When a Brother or Sister Dies – In a world suddenly gone crazy, how can you keep your balance? How can you cope with something that is shattering to you as well as to those adults closest to you in your world? We hope this brochure offers you some directions and some choices in order to help you find your way in a world that has changed in ways you never expected it to.

Surviving my Sister’s Suicide – As a survivor of my sister’s suicide, what became clear to me is the importance of telling one’s story as part of the grieving process. This process is too often shrouded by stigma and silenced by shame. I write this article at this intense time of year with the hope that by sharing my story and talking about suicide openly, you might learn a little bit more about suicide, which might help you assist someone in distress and guide you to save their life.

Websites For Children

Dempsey Rice is a survivor of suicide who made a documentary film about the process of surviving her mother’s suicide.